Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Still more catch-up pictures - winter 2012

April and her friend Isaac at the Momentum Christmas Party
Bethany put on her own shoes - backwards, but still by herself!

"Free Hugs (while supplies last)" shirt from Grandma and Papa for Valentines Day! They last until you're a teenager I'm thinking April.... :)
Auntie and April
Daddy said this outfit made her look like "Where's Waldo" - kinda ruined it for me
View from our room in Miami in January
April's first swim

April likes cereal

Not too sure about this first bite...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Winter 2012 pictures

Bowling with Chicago cousins in January

Playgroup sledding party now that we finally had some snow!

Bethany and her doll having a snack Bethany bowling

April with Papa

April and her cousins Paul III and Jacob

Tummy time!

Loving my jenny jump up

Warm and cozy in my hat and snowsuit after a walk outside

I found my tongue!

yum, cereal

I haven't put pictures on here in awhile, so needless to say, there is a lot to catch up on! Both girls are growing so fast and we've all enjoyed the warm winter. Now that March is right around the corner, we are hoping for the nice weather to continue!

April giggles and sitting up

Friday, February 24, 2012

April 5 months old

Our sweet little baby is already 5 months old! She is sitting up unassisted for short periods of times, does long stretches of tummy time, and even can move herself 180 degrees in the opposite direction moving on her tummy. April loves people and especially her sister's busy toddler antics. Her body wiggles non-stop and she is very interested in texture. She can be found scratching whatever is in reach, our bedspread, the exersaucer, her sisters back/hair/face (which usually doesn't last long as Bethany is still faster!). You are so laid back and easy going but when you want our attention you know how to give a good screech!

Sleeping at night is still a struggle, but you have finally given us one 6.5 hour stretch this week! It was preceeded by waking every hour for daddy the night before and followed by waking every 2 hours, but we'll take what we can get!

At her 6 month appointment we'll get stats again, but my guess is she is leveling out a bit in weight. After starting rice cereal a few weeks ago she isn't demanding as much milk and I'm sad to report that her cute cheeks aren't as chubby as they once were!

More pictures to come when I get a chance, but wanted to get her monthly onsie in close to the 5 month mark!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bethany the talking girl

Oh Bethany, you are such a fun girl! You are talking and talking all the time now and have such a fun, enjoyable personality. We can't help but smile and laugh at the things you say and do. You are now 27 months old and getting closer to 2 1/2. You are very good at going potty and poopy in the toilet at home and at Koala Bear and love that you get skittles, jelly belly's or other fun treats if you are successful! I think you wonder why mommy and daddy don't get "poopy prizes" because every time we come out of the bathroom you ask if we want a jelly belly or whether we went potty or poopy. Very different conversations with 2-year-olds coming out of the bathroom than it is with my co-workers!

You are so sweet to your sister and love doing tummy time together or laying next to her. One time when we were cuddling in bed as a family you said, "April is next to me, Mommy is next to me, Daddy is next to me!"

Little sayings or expressions are something you pick up easily. Today when I noticed water on the floor and was cleaning it up, you exclaimed "There is water EVERYWHERE!"

You LOVE Wheel of Fortune. We don't watch a ton of tv, but your favorites right now if they are on are Wild Kratts, Curious George or The Cat in the Hat in the morning, Clifford the Big Red Dog during lunch and Wheel of Fortune during dinner. Today was Saturday and when we were making lunch you asked to watch "Cwiferd! the big RED DOG!" When I told you he wasn't on today and was taking a break, you asked if he needed a time out or was sleeping :)

When you stayed at Grandma and Papa's while we went to Miami for my work meetings you built a snowman but because of the warm weather the head fell off. When you got home you told us that the "Snowman had a headache! His head fell down!"

We love you Bethany Claire Totman and think it is so fun you love to tell people your whole name! You also know mommy, daddy and April's whole names and are working on your other friends and families middle and last names too. I think it is fun you can recognize letters, you know B, D, H and A for all of our first names and sometimes recognize others too (like O). You are a little smarty pants!