Monday, April 21, 2008

Bella's first birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Amber and Brent's dog Bella's 1st birthday. It was actually on Friday but we came early to their belated housewarming party with the extended family to celebrate. She had a lot of fun! Here are a couple pictures from the day. It was BEAUTIFUL outside :)

Thanks for having us over to your house Amber and Brent!Me and Grandma
Heather showing Bella her birthday present, new colored tennis balls!

Heather and Dan, Grandma and Grandpa on the new deck

Heather and Dan

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring allergies

I never thought that I actually had allergies. Sure, I get sneezy in the spring and fall, but never enough to be really unbearable. But, this last week I was sneezing all the time and think I must be affected by something.

Yesterday we celebrated my sister's birthday a little early at my parents house. I had been sneezing all morning so when I got there my mom asked if I needed any Benadryl. It sounded like a good idea so I took 2 pills. I don't think I've taken any allergy medicene in a long time so I really don't know the difference between them. Apparently, Benadryl makes you sleepy and taking 2 pills makes you REALLY sleepy. During lunch I was eating and started to feel tired, and couldn't figure it out since I'd gotten a lot of sleep the night before. Finally I commented on it, and my mom mentioned the Benadryl and it all made sense.... and a hour and a half later after my nap on the couch while everyone else went for a walk I felt much better :)

Sorry for sleeping during your birthday party Amber, and thanks for the nice meals mom! I promise to not take Benadryl at any more family events!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh, come on!

Why is it snowing??? I thought it was April showers, not April blizzards?!? This is just rediculous. It has to end soon right? At least Dan is going to be able to take me home tonight so I don't have to talk the bus and walk .6 miles home like I did all week when he worked really late.

Well, enjoy the weather... I just felt like complaining.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Day!

Was anyone part of any good jokes today? Every year this is ANOTHER one of our family traditions to take advantage of April Fools Day. Usually this is something that just my dad and I do because we're the only ones the a) remember and b) care.

I still like this tradition (unlike the robin tradition) because I sometimes come up with some pretty good jokes. My favorite one was a couple years ago when I found a really funny smiley face icon with lots of colors and wrote Happy April Fools above it and made it as big as an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper. Then I had my mom print a couple pages with the graphic on it and put them upside down back into my dad's printer. So, when he was working later that day and needed to print something he walked over to the printer and the entire background of the page was my April Fools joke! Ha ha, I'm so funny.

Does anyone else have any good pranks they've pulled?